Sugar Land Commercial Real Estate For Lease

If you’re a business owner looking for commercial real estate for lease in Sugar Land, Texas, be sure to check out listings by Boxer Property. We are constantly acquiring new spaces perfect for small, medium or large offices in the Houston metropolitan area.

Check out our ever-changing property listings below. We offer a wide variety of floor plans, designs and sizes. You will be sure to find something that will suit your needs in Sugar Land or neighboring areas in Houston, TX. If you have any questions, contact our staff of friendly agents who are prepared to assist you.



Listings In Sugar Land Fort Bend


Total Square Footage


Featured Sugar-land-fort-bend Office locations:

713.777.7368 (RENT)

How do I find commercial properties for lease in Sugar Land?

It’s easy to obtain information such as square footage, floor plans and photos at Boxer Property’s site. Our database is updated as soon as any transactions are completed so you can rest assured that you have up-to-the-minute information. On-site agents can also assist with searches, additional information and answering questions. When you are ready, they can schedule a visit for your top properties.

Our database is full of both single-office space as well as large, full-floor rentals. We offer our signature Workstyle executive suites as well, perfect for a smaller organization that wants access to features like Wi-Fi and conference rooms on an as-needed basis. Our suites come with these and many other amenities for no additional charge.

Commercial Building Floor Plan

If you’re not sure about the kind of layout that would work best for your business, take some time to browse through our commercial real estate properties. You’ll learn a lot about what’s available, discover floor plans you hadn’t considered, and do a great deal of your legwork from your office chair. Once you’re ready to visit, you’ll be armed with information as well as very specific questions to make sure your final decision is the right one. Here is one example of a commercial property floor plan:



Where do I find commercial property for sale in Southwest Houston ?

Other resources listing commercial properties are not always up-to-date. Although you would hope that online equals real-time, it sometimes doesn’t. That can lead to wasted time and work if you’ve done your research with even week-old data. Boxer Property eliminates that problem as we automatically synchronize our transactions with our database.

Boxer Property has a well-trained acquisition team with experienced asset managements and brokers that can help you through all the ins and outs of purchasing a commercial building.


Commercial Property for Sale by Owner

As a large commercial real estate company, Boxer Property owns most of the space listed in our database. However, we recognize that other sellers may have additional options that we do not have. We want you to find the perfect space and will happily match you with outside sellers if that seems to be the best solution. We also invest in under-performing buildings to update them, provide marketing services where needed, and take care of property management. Our asset services are explained in more detail here.

Southwest Houston CRE Market Research Sources

Information about commercial real estate in Sugar land can be overwhelming. Be sure to select a few key spots to visit often to stay informed. Boxer Property’s blog is one way to keep abreast of our new and sold properties. Here is a short-list of places where you can find helpful information.

Wikipedia: Sugar Land Economy

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